MUFON Contacts
For Field Investigators Only
For State Business: EAST:Debbie Ziegelmeyer, State Director
WEST: Margie Kay, Assistant State Director
United States Field Investigation General Business, Certification Process,
Training - Douglas Wilson, Director of Investigations
International Field Investigation General Business - Robert Spearing,
Director of Investigations for International
Membership, Advertising, Certification Status, - Hannah Trimble, Office
Dean of MUFON University Mindy Tautfest -
MUFON University Helpdesk - James Millard -
Executive business - David MacDonald -
Light Pillars Spotted in Ohio—What's Causing Them (
The name describes a weather phenomenon during which narrow rods of light appear to extend from the sky to the ground.
We are compiling information for field investigators on this page. This is a collaborative effort among FIs from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Illinois, and neighboring states.
Please send any links or items you would like to have included to:
See what the B-2 looks like
On Netflix:
Berkshires UFO
Unsolved Mysteries 2020
Hangar 1
Resident Alien
IBDB Network: on Amazon FIRE:
On the Trail of UFOs
UFOs The Lost Evidence 2017-2019
History Channel:
Ancient Aliens
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch
Gaia TV and Articles:
See what the Starlink Satellites look like
Video of a weather balloon launch, taken at the National Weather Service office in Green Bay, WI. Attached to the balloon is the actual instrument called a radiosonde. The radiosonde measures temperature, pressure, and humidity; the instrument is tracked so that wind speed and direction can also be measured. This video was shot in 2002.
Also see our LINKS page
American Meteor Society: See meteor records here:
Stellarium: Observe the night skies and see what was visible at the time a UFO was sighted.
MADAR (Multiple Anomaly Detection and Automatic Recording): Check your sighting reports against MADARdata to see if there is a hit at the same time.
Also buy a MADAR unit here to put in your house. The Quantum Vacuum (QED vacuum) is being changed as the Craft enter our Space/TIme. This magnetic effect is measurable. Space/Time (Quantum Vacuum) displaced by the Field Emitters on the Craft. The MADAR devices are measuring this effect when the Craft are nearby.
Travel Math: find the best information about airports near a sighting location on this site
ISS Tracker - historical locations
Metadata2go: Get Metadata from Video or Photos
Find out exactly where and what time a video or photo was taken. Invaluable for investigations!
Flight Radar 24:
A paid subscription service that shows the history of anything airborne including planes, helicopters, and balloons. If you need someone to look this up several of us have a subscription. Send a request to Margie Kay or Larry Tyree.
See sites around the world live:
Info about SpaceX:
What's in Space: See where all space objects are located:
All about Space and a live feed from the ISS:
Weather Balloon Information from the National Weather Service:
Twice a day, every day of the year, weather balloons are released simultaneously from almost 900 locations worldwide! This includes 92 released by the National Weather Service in the US and its territories. The balloon flights last for around 2 hours, can drift as far as 125 miles away, and rise up to over 100,000 ft. (about 20 miles) in the atmosphere. The balloons, which start out measuring about 6 ft. wide before release, expand as they rise to about 20 ft. in diameter.
UFO Sentineltakes UFO reports online. Investigators should check this site for any correlating reports.
National UFO Reporting Center takes UFO reports online. Investigators should check this site for any correlating reports.
Information about Whiteman AFB
Distance calculator - Calculate the distance online!
Missouri MUFON